
Are you ready for a leadership coach? Here are some telltale signs you might be!

September 8, 2022

Have you ever thought about partnering with a leadership coach?

Perhaps you’ve given it some thought and then talked yourself out of it, thinking:  

“I’ll just read a few more books, check out a new podcast, and then I’ll get better at this leadership thing.”

~ My overthinking brain

There’s no doubt that you should be consuming quality leadership content to stay on top of strategies that will help you become a better leader. Sometimes, though, it takes someone walking alongside you on your unique journey to see how these concepts and rhythms will actually work in your life and with your team. And more importantly, to help you cultivate your unique strengths in a way that brings joy and energy to your work. 

So before I dive into some signs you may be ready to hire a leadership coach, let me give you a quick explanation on what leadership coaching actually is.  

Leadership coaching integrates interpersonal dynamics, individual strengths, and strategic business acumen. In other words, it shines a light on how your unique combination of gifts and business knowledge can lead to becoming a more visionary, authentic and dynamic leader. It helps cultivate transformation from the inside out, leading to growth from a solid foundation through strategies that deepen self-awareness and clarity. 

The end result? You become deeply aware of who you are and how you show up in the world. You become a leader who can lead a team through ambiguous, complex change in a healthy way; a leader who doesn’t sacrifice their most important relationships or their health; a leader who serves their team by empowering them to activate their individual strengths to maximize impact. 

So what are the signs you might be ready to work with a leadership coach

  • You know you’re capable of so much more as a leader and feel like you need a little help to figure out what that is. 
  • You’re struggling to name and apply your strengths in your organization. 
  • You feel overwhelmed by your professional and personal demands. 
  • You’ve recently stepped into a leadership position and need help activating your team to achieve your goals.
  • You’re lacking clarity around the goals you’ve been assigned and are not always sure what action to take next.
  • You’ve received feedback you trust and you’re not quite sure how to change. 
  • You’ve read a lot of books on leadership but nothing is changing. Or it doesn’t feel like it fits your situation exactly.
  • Or maybe you’re a mom or caretaker heading back into the workplace for the first time in several years and aren’t sure where to get started. 

If you find yourself turning into a bobblehead, shaking your head “yes” to one or more of the descriptions above, please know you don’t have to tackle these obstacles alone! Reach out to me and let me know what your top challenges are. I’ll respond with some thoughtful ways you can begin to overcome them.

You can also subscribe to my leadership and career newsletter which will include tools and suggestions to help you become a healthier leader with more clarity and confidence.

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